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Being unapologetically me! with Heidi Anderson
Our guest for this episode is a dynamo! Heidi Anderson’s got influence and as she’s on her personal journey of confidence and being her authentic self, she’s bringing others along on the ride. Heidi’s had a successful career in radio, including the breakfast show in Perth on HIT 92.9, was a contestent in Big Brother and is a podcaster. When she spoke vulnerably on air to listeners about her battle with hating herself and her anxiety, it sparked a reaction she never imagined. it’s changed her life and revealed her purpose. <br/> Read Heidi's memoir Drunk on Confidence Listen to Heidi's poscasts Champagne Confidence and First Time Parents, which she hosts with her husband GriffoFollow Heidi on InstagramIf you have been affected by anything discussed in this episode you can contact:Lifeline on 13 11 1413 YARN on 13 92 76 (24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples)Produced and hosted by Emily Webb, ermha365 Advocacy and External Communications Advisor with Karenza Louis-Smith, CEO ermha365.<br/><br/>ermha365 provides support for people with complex mental health and disability in Victoria and the Northern Territory.<br/><br/>Follow ermha365 on social media:<br/><br/>FACEBOOK - @ermhaorg<br/>TWITTER - @ermha365<br/>INSTAGRAM - @ermha365<br/><br/>ermha365 acknowledges that our work in the community takes place on the Traditional Lands of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and therefore respectfully recognise their Elders, past and present, and the ongoing Custodianship of the Land and Water by all Members of these Communities.<br/><br/>We recognise people with lived experience who contribute to GET REAL podcast, and those who love, support and care for them. We recognise their strength, courage and unique perspective as a vital contribution so that we can learn, grow and achieve better outcomes together.<br/> <br/>