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Club Q, Transgender Day of Remembrance
At least five people were killed and approximately 25 injured when a domestic terrorist stormed into Club Q in Colorado Springs just before midnight on Saturday and opened fire with an AR-15 style rifle. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/11/20/us/colorado-springs-shooting?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20221120&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=headline®i_id=162595095&segment_id=113791&user_id=aa51a2e56582e9f2ee5ed5d4a69c7bfc#someone-grabbed-a-weapon-from-the-gunman-then-hit-him-with-it-the-mayor-said https://heavy.com/news/anderso....n-lee-aldrich/?fbcli https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/20..../us/colorado-springs Crime Update Transgender Day of Remembrance https://www.qsaltlake.com/news..../2022/11/14/remember SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCd85RJRW6kn51aM2u *Social Media Links* Facebook: www.facebook.com/truecrimeparanormalTPS Facebook Discussion Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/215774426330767 Website: https://www.truecrimeparanormalpodcast.com/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@truecrimeparanormal Our Latest Video: https://youtu.be/wRXWQvUWxh0 Check Out Some of Our Previous Uploads! Patriot Front in Coeur d’Alene, Mark Middleton, Baby Holly https://youtu.be/Fz7vTzUiKIw Shasta Groene, The VHS Bandit, Nancy Brophy found guilty https://youtu.be/Bhu1Do0J_bQ The Girl Scout Murders, Diane Lynn Dahn, Heather Marie Underwood https://youtu.be/UdQrQ7yjtpE True Crime Paranormal on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/....5gIPqBHJLftbXdRgs1Bq True Crime Paranormal on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast/true-crime-p Kristi’s Crystal Shop https://www.ehcrystals.com/