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Disappearing Act | Lucky Lord Lucan : Act I
Welcome to Season 5 of Done and Dunne and our investigation into the mysterious vanishing of Richard John Bingham, the 7th Earl of Lucan, also known as Lucky.John Bingham certainly started life on a lucky streak. This episode delves into Lord Lucan’s background, including his family, early childhood, and the meeting his future wife Veronica Duncan. We also introduce our wide cast of characters all playing in the hot spot of 1960s swing London, John Aspinall’s Clermont Club and Mark Birley’s Annabel’s.All sources and additional recommended reading can be found at doneanddone.com.Continue your investigation @ patreon.com/doneanddunne with ad-free episodes and weekly bonus episodes too! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices