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Ward Zero - S3E2 - Calgary housing, election and... Sports!
After a bit of a break due to scheduling, the election and other of life's wonderful creations, the Ward Zero team is back to talk about Calgary's top civic issues. <br />In this episode, Esmahan Razavi - back from steering campaign victories for the Alberta NDP in two high-profile Calgary ridings - leads the show with Jeremy Zhao and LWC editor Darren Krause into talking about the hot-button housing issue. <br />They also dig into the provincial election and what it means for Calgary. <br />They tie things up with a look at the pre-election arena decision, but it gets into a conversation about city building and how we may need to shift our perception of the arena deal and where the City of Calgary has failed in communicating to citizens where the public benefit lies. <br />Plus a hot take on Bill C-18, Google and paying for news and your round up of quick hits. <br />Enjoy the return of the Ward Zero team!<br />Plus: You can check out the BONUS content on the future of Rachel Notley and if the NDP has anyone that can move the party forward, by becoming an LWC member at patreon.com/livewirecalgary.