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003: The Fundamentals + One thing we can do for each.
Quick chat about perfectionism and my exeperience with it in getting this podcast out there. (01:00)<br>The 4 Fundamentals and how our mind & body are linked through physiology and psychology.. (02:15)<br>Fundie #1: Dial in our nutrition (04:30)<br>Nutrition is not a one-size fits all approach, there's preference, culture, likes, reactions to certain foods to be aware of (07:15)<br>Nutrition ACTION - What gets measured gets improved.. take a few days to note down what you're eating/drinking (08:05)STUDY 1 on omega 3 and depression STUDY 2 <br>Fundie #2: Movement (08:30)<br>Moving my body was one of the best things I could to help me when I was really struggling (09:00)<br>Below 6k steps per day we are 30-50% more likely to experience depressive symptoms (10:15)Steps Study<br>Movement ACTION - Wake up and move outside.. (11:00)<br>Fundie #3: Sleep (11:40)<br>We sleep on average