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050 - Imagine A Day with Duke Stump
This week, I'm excited to share my conversation with DUKE STUMP. Friends of the show, you know how often I mention Duke's impact on my life.I am honored to have Duke on to celebrate the milestone of the 50th episode of my show.In this special conversation celebrate his pithy "duke-isms" and remarkable journey from Swedish hockey player to Nike exec to successful entrepreneur.Duke and I collaborated during my time at LIME where he was CMO. We celebrate the re-launch of his unique online gathering called “Bonfire with Soul”.This masterclass style Socratic inquiry is a profound experience for optimistic rebels of all sizes and stages that unpacks 12 principles delivered with beliefs + stories + takeaways + burning questions.Pressing rewind, Duke's powerful "imagine a day" exercise first transformed my life in 2008, propelling me out of the Great Financial Crisis into a new direction with a clear vision for the future.Fast forward to now, this same “imagine a day’ exercise’ afforded me the guts and clarity to quit a high-paying job on my terms in 2022, and co-found a new business - Realworld Asset Group, a private credit fund.Anytime I've invested in learning, the ROI has been exponential. For example, I invested $12k in a real estate mastermind in 2021 which led me to meet my co-founder at Realworld.I can point to many other examples of how self-directed study has helped make my dreams come true.Duke's Bonfire with Soul experience offers deeper insights in ways that incept, root, and bear fruit.If you want more brightness, aliveness, energy, and impact in your day, absorb this conversation and reimagine what dreams you can make come true.Key Takeaways:How mentorship is a two-way street where you teach someone and learn from them too.The impact that you can get by operating from principles vs. a playbook.The importance of letting yourself be uncomfortable.Why it’s essential to learn that what works in one culture will not automatically translate into success in a different culture?The requirements for greatness.Why you need to be self-aware and understanding of yourself.The power of language in life.Tweetable Quotes:“The goal is not to create magic. It's to create the conditions for magic to happen.” – Duke Stump“We all want greatness but we're not willing to have the courage to accept what it quite often takes to get there.” – Duke Stump“Self-awareness or self-understanding is the key ingredient in any journey.” – Duke Stump“Language has the ability to pierce through the barbed wire of life when it's done well.” – Duke Stump“Make yourself uncomfortable because it's one of the few times you know you're growing.” – Duke Stump“Life is about impermanence. It's this mercurial, ever-changing, ever-flowing thing like we don't have control on much other than maybe our chosen response to things.” – Duke Stump“Financials are not a predictor of success. They're a function of doing other things.” – Duke Stump“Rather than just focus on a number of financials every day, focus on other things that will deliver the numbers.” – Duke Stump“Freedom and aliveness for me is being in an environment where there's a real beautiful level of trust.” – Duke Stump“I think if we learn differently, we would invite so much more possibility.” – Duke Stump“My parents were high school teachers and they always said teaching is about mentoring and being mentored.” – Duke Stump“I didn't operate from a playbook, but I operated from a set of principles.” – Duke Stump“I'm proud of the fact that, once again it wasn't a playbook but it was a philosophy and a different approach around how to build something.” – Duke Stump“Because something