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1. The Point Pleasant Prankster
Sorry for the long break in publishing, we know June has come and gone. We wanted to be sure we were organized and prepared to bring you the best research and content for one of Alana's favorite cryptids...the Mothman!!! Was this spooky creature a product of mass hysteria, a huge bird, or a visitor from another realm? We also dive a little bit into the Men in Black and UFOlogists, but were gonna save those for another pint! Please like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, and be sure to follow us on instagram @whatthealepod. If there are any topics you would like to hear from us, or if you just want to say hi, please follow this link to the request form:https://forms.gle/HfxT9KonWNmB7Wo18Also we know the audio at the end is a little spooky, maybe a poltergeist got into the mainframe....