1 Timothy 2-3

0 Views· 08/30/23
Commuter Bible NT
Commuter Bible NT
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Paul instructs Timothy and the church to pray for everyone including kings and those who are in authority. Given that Paul was imprisoned and mistreated regularly by these in authority, we should mark that such admonition doesn’t come lightly. For the sake of the gospel going forward, Paul wants the church to pray and to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects order and appropriate forms of submission and authority. This includes relationships between men and women in the church, and appointing overseers and deacons. He writes these directions so that God’s people might know how to conduct themselves in God’s household.:::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard Biblefacebook.com/commuterbibleinstagram.com/commuter_bibletwitter.com/CommuterPodpatreon.com/commuterbibleadmin@commuterbible.org

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