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#113 Heidi's Haven Rescue owner, Sheila McGregor
We met Sheila McGregor today at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier. Thank you to Alison the front desk manager for gifting us a perfect little meeting room to sit down together today. She is the founder and owner of Heidi‘s Haven Rescue, a dog rescue that supports non-kill policies. She’s a lifelong animal lover an activist, vegan, and she tells a great story about the moment she became a vegan as well as the incredible story of how she started her rescue. Heidi‘s heaven currently has 60 dogs two cows, 9 chickens, and 30 cats and as you could imagine it is a 24/7 365 days a year passion. It’s beyond a job it’s beyond a career it’s something that she does absolutely from the heart really doing gods work in a way for the animals. Sheila shares a lovely story about her father gifting her the acres of the property that she needed to do this to build a stream and the long struggle between her and her father because she was so different and it took him so long to really truly understand her. Listen to this episode us for an interesting conversation with a tremendous human who's is living out their purpose in a small but mighty little place called Heidi's Haven Rescue in northern Vermont.CHECK OUT HEIDI'S HAVEN RESCUE: https://www.facebook.com/HeidisHavenRescueDOGS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION: https://www.petfinder.com/memb....er/us/vt/williamstow HEIDI'S HAVEN RESCUE ON GOFUND ME: https://www.gofundme.com/f/3q1....anc?fbclid=IwAR3upyu HEIDI'S HAVEN RESCUE WEBSITE: heidishavenrescue.org For behind the scenes content of the making of The Jar, meet the guests, see some footage of unreleased podcast episodes and more visit : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCaTqB1dhDvl0Oh505 be a guest on the show email us at thejarguest@gmail.com or visit our webpage : https://www.thejar.live/Follow The Jar on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thejar_podcast/Follow The Jar on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcast.thejarDisclaimer: The views stated in this episode are our guest's opinions and do not represent the views, beliefs or opinions of The Jar Podcast. Our goal is to provide a platform for everyone no matter what they believe, and we would like to continue to do that while making it clear our guests are not a representation of The Jar Podcast.