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#12: Community-Based Protection in Nigeria
Civilians are not simply victims of armed conflict, but people with agency and expertise about the conflicts they are living in. In this episode, guest host Bulus Mungopark of CIVIC brings us to northeast Nigeria, where we explore successful community-led efforts to advocate for their own protection needs amid ongoing violence.
Bulus Mungopark, Nigeria Community Engagement Manager, CIVIC
Queen, Community Protection Committee Member
Habib, Community Protection Committee Member
Alhaji Abba, District Head
This podcast is brought to you by CIVIC and PAX. This episode was written by Annie Shiel and Bulus Mungopark with assistance from Erin Bijl, Marc Garlasco, and Hajer Naili.
You can find a full transcript of this episode here.
To learn more about community-based protection and civilian harm in Nigeria, see:
CIVIC, “Barriers and Bridges to Protection: Civil-Military Engagement in Northeast Nigeria,” October 2020.
CIVIC, “Civilian Protection Snapshot: Gwoza, Nigeria,” December 2021.
CIVIC, “Civilian Protection Snapshot: Monguno, Nigeria,” March 2022.