(#122) What would an advisor say about Scripture engaged American being more generous than others

0 Views· 12/03/22

Which talked about the opportunities and the limitations of church giving today. We were shocked to learn of statistics that 98% of churches are funded by tithing and that was the primary way to give back over alternatives such as: missions, serving in ministry, service projects, community events, etc.Now in a recent article in Philanthropy Daily by Jack Fowler, is asking questions about the gospel of generosity and says that studies find that scripture-engaged Americans are among the most generous.Subscribe and visit our homepage:https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com/podcastSpeak with A Christian Advisorhttps://www.abrwealthmanagemen....t.com/consultationBa Research Report:https://www.barna.com/revisiting-tithe-offering/

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