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#13: War in Sudan
In Season 3 of the Civilian Protection Podcast, we’re exploring civilian protection issues in the news – as well as what the headlines might be missing. This episode brings us to the conflict in Sudan, which, since April 2023, has continued to exact a horrifying toll on civilians. Kholood Khair, Founder and Director of the Sudanese think-and-do tank Confluence Advisory, discusses what is happening in Sudan and why, the resulting attacks on civilians and civic space, and what communities are doing about it.
Guest: Kholood Khair, Founder and Director, Confluence Advisory
This podcast is brought to you by CIVIC and PAX.
You can find a full transcript of this episode here.
To learn more about the conflict in Sudan and its impact on civilians, see:
Bonus Clips: Hear from an Emergency Committee Coordinator
Al Jazeera: Sudan ‘Resistance’ Activists Mobilise as Crisis Escalates
Amnesty International: “Death Came to Our Home": War Crimes and Civilian Suffering in Sudan
Human Rights Watch: New Attacks in Darfur
Joint US-UK Civil Society Letter on Sudan