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156: RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT! | Mission: Impossible (1996)
What are you even doing with your life if you aren't jumping out of a plane or off the side of a building at 60 being a literal spy? Since it's Mission: Impossible season it was only right to review the one that started it all, the 1996 chapter. As children of the 80s both me and Jai are super familiar with Tom Cruise as an entity and every year he seems to ratchet up our collective blood pressure with each installment in the franchise.We both remember seeing this film back in the day and it was such a fun ride. Some of the things we touch on is the amazing minimalist fashion, some Scientology, and marvel at the practical effects they used on the most "impossible" scenes.--- Get BONUS episodes on 90s TV and culture (Freaks & Geeks, My So Called Life, Buffy, 90s culture documentaries, and more...) and to support the show join the Patreon! GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING & SUBSCRIBE! Hosts: Lauren @lauren_melanie & Jai @jai_stylefactory Music by Den-Mate @imdenmateFollow Fashion Grunge Podcast Substack The Lo Down: a Fashion Grunge blog/newsletterInstagram @fashiongrungepodTwitter @fgrungepodLetterboxd Fashion Grunge PodcastTikTok @fashiongrungepod