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169: The future of farming with Lina Yarysh
In this episode, we talk to Lina Yarysh. She is the Head of Customer Success Manger at EOS Data Analytics, a global provider of AI-powered satellite imagery analytics. During this episode we talked about how satellites and AI can revolutionize the agricultural industry, reducing food and water waste. We took a deep dive on how these systems work and how some communities around the world have already benefited from this technology. Links from the episodes:The Friendly Futurist podcast episode with Dave Monk, Mariska Nell and Lina Yarysh 046: How can the 17 Sustainable Development Goals create a more sustainable future for you and Mama Earth with Mariska NellWhere can people find Lina?FacebookInstagramLinkedInLinkedIn- LinaTwitterWebsiteKEY TAKE AWAY“If you can measure it, you can control it.”