#180 What Men Struggle With featuring Connor Beaton of @mantalks

0 Views· 08/29/23
Heal Your Heartbreak
Heal Your Heartbreak
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In today's episode I interviewed Connor Beaton who you may know from @mantalks. He has been a coach to tens of thousands of men over his career and has really been able to not only get to the bottom of what men struggle with but has also found a way to impact them in a really significant way. In this episode we talk about what men struggle with, why men don't turn to community in the way they should, how men deal with breakups, and so much more. I also put this disclaimer in the intro but just because we're talking today about the struggles of men does not mean we are taking away from the struggles that women go through. To find out which Break Up Bestie Course is right for you, click the link to take the quiz and get matched with the best solution for you: https://breakupbestie.typeform.com/to/x0WglwDO
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