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188. MK Mueller - 8 to Great - The Powerful Process for Positive Change
A former binge eater and domestic violence survivor, at the age of thirty-four MK Mueller put together a program for her own recovery and began a support group in her home called “Taking Care of Me.” Almost overnight the group outgrew her living room and she became an international speaker and trainer, working with individuals, schools, health care organizations, and Fortune 500 companies. Today her first book, Taking Care of Me: The Habits of Happiness, and her award-winning 8 to Great: The Powerful Process for Positive Change, are being taught by thousands of certified trainers around the world. Together, they built the foundation for the acclaimed 8 to Great curriculum for schools and businesses as well as the life-changing 8 to Your Ideal Weight program. 8 to GreatBuy MK Mueller BooksTedX TalkTHE FOUNDATION - Virtual Community for Young MenBuilding Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men YouTubeBuilding Men FacebookWork with Dennis as your 1 on 1 coach If our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Finish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear