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189. Michael Santos - The Prison Professor
Welcome to The Building Men Podcast, where we explore stories of personal growth, resilience, and redemption. Today, we have a truly remarkable guest with us, Michael Santos. Michael's journey is a testament to the power of determination, self-reflection, and the belief that it's never too late to turn your life around.Regardless of our past, we all face challenges and make decisions that may lead us down difficult paths. Michael knows this all too well. He experienced addiction issues, incarceration, and the consequences of bad decisions. But instead of letting his past define him, he chose to focus on the present and work towards a better, brighter future.Despite serving a daunting 45-year sentence as a drug kingpin, Michael didn't allow himself to be consumed by despair. Instead, he seized the opportunity to transform his life. Even behind bars, he found a way to contribute to the lives of others. Michael's determination and resilience led him to establish Prison Professors, an organization aimed at providing resources and guidance to incarcerated individuals.While in prison, Michael discovered the power of the Socratic way of thinking. This approach, rooted in asking questions and engaging in critical thinking, played a pivotal role in his transformation. By challenging his own beliefs and embracing new perspectives, Michael was able to cultivate personal growth and pave the way for a successful future.Today, Michael Santos stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when we refuse to let our circumstances define us. His story is an inspiration for anyone who has faced adversity and wants to create positive change in their own lives.Join us as Michael shares his incredible journey, highlighting the importance of taking responsibility for our choices, embracing opportunities, and crafting our own success stories. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by the resilience and determination of a man who turned his life around, even when the odds were stacked against him.Prison Professors THE FOUNDATION - Virtual Community for Young MenSubscribe to the Building Men NewsletterBuilding Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men FacebookEmpower Your Son - schedule a 15 minute strategy callIf our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Finish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear