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190. Tanya McCreedy - Through The Storm
Welcome to The Building Men Podcast, where we explore stories of personal growth, resilience, and redemption. Today, I speak with Tanya McCready, a wonderful human being who works to inspire teams Is to overcome challenges and reach their goals through improved teamwork, leadership, and vision. Tanya McCready along with her husband Hank DeBruin, fell in love with a husky puppy in a pet store almost 30 years ago. Adopting that puppy ended up changing the entire trajectory of their lives. After reading books and watching movies to better understand this pup, they decided to try dogsledding. A passion was found and their husky family quickly grew to 7.<br /><br />In 1999 Tanya quit her job as an Environmental Engineer, gave up her plans to go to law school. Hank quit his job as a millwright, they rented out their house and moved to the wilderness of Haliburton, Ontario, to chase a dream of starting a business, a lifestyle and a family around their beloved dogs. Winterdance was born.<br /><br />Winterdance now welcomes over 2000 guests from around the globe every winter to experience travelling through the Winterdance with their beloved huskies .<br /><br />Hank and their huskies have had many adventures from Maine to Alaska including competing in six 1000-mile races in Alaska and the Yukon. The lessons and stories that have come from these races have created 2 best selling books. The latest Journey of 1000 Miles has become an international best seller.<br /><br />Tanya, Hank and their huskies have been featured in some of the biggest media outlets in the world including CNN and New York Times to name a few. Their huskies have been featured in dozens of TV shows, movies, commercials and music videos.<br /> Tanya McCready WebsiteTHE FOUNDATION - Virtual Community for Young MenSubscribe to the Building Men NewsletterBuilding Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men FacebookEmpower Your Son - schedule a 15 minute strategy callIf our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Finish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear