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98/192: What Professions And Industries Have The Biggest Money Blocks
Money blocks, money blocks, money blocks! Which do you think has the biggest money block? I have them, you have them, pretty much everyone has money blocks of some kind. It's pretty safe to say we all have money blocks, even if we don't know it yet. These blocks are pretty huge in themselves and I have a lot of resources for you to help to clear them, but let’s dive into some common professions that we see here in Soul Rich Woman. Finance Professionals
08:44- 08:54  If you’re a financial advisor or professional who feels ashamed because you are already in debt or your accounting is really a mess.

08:59- 09:07 You feel really guilty because you don’t always follow your own advice perfectly and all these blocks are keeping you from helping more people. 

09:15- 09:23 But you wonder why people would pay you to do their taxes? And to you, it’s obvious and easy. Not for everyone.

09:24- 09:29 Understanding that money blocks will help you to attract more clients.

Health and wealthiness and fitness professionals

03:12- 03:26 These money blocks are pretty huge in themselves and I have a lot of resources for you to help clear them but let’s dive into some common profession that we see here in Soul Rich Woman and the blocks that they have.

03:27- 03:30  First, health and wealthiness and fitness professionals.

03:50- 03:57 Many people working in the health industry have beliefs and feel like, number one, “Good health should be free.”

04:00- 04:11  Number two, “I’m taking advantage of people’s illnesses.” Number three, “I can’t offer people’s solutions or supplements because I should not be salesy.”

04:12- 04:18 Now the whole reason that people come to you when you’re a health professional is to learn how to better take care of themselves.

04:43- 04:48 They come to you for knowledge and by you not giving them what you know, 

04:53- 04:57 then you’re not serving them to your best of your ability.

05:25- 05:34 You need to set boundaries. Now, these include asking for payment upfront, creating packages because that’s how transformation happens.  
Universal blocks
02:52- 03:11  Here are some of the most common universal blocks that I have always seen. “I have to work really hard to make money.” Number two, “I don’t deserve or I’m not good enough to be wealthy or to be rich.” Number three, “I can’t help people and make money.”
07:59- 08:03 Remember yourself that clients are coming to you for your skills to hold them accountable.
05:03- 05:12 This affirmation, “I serve, I deserve.” is a really good one to use as a  patent interrupter for those sources of blocks.
05:13- 05:22 It reminds you that you’re being served to people and it’s okay to charge in return for your expertise and experience.
Key Takeaways: Health and wellness professionals. Finance professionals. Spiritual professionals. Artists and creative professionals. MLM or Direct sales businesses. 
Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
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Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% o

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