2 Chronicles 32:1-19, 2 Kings 18, Isaiah 36
2 Chronicles 32:1-19 - 1:09 . 2 Kings 18 - 5:29 . Isaiah 36 - 14:50 . Over the next few days we’ll be reading regularly from three books, 2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, and Isaiah, as we continue pursuing a fairly linear chronological reading of the Old Testament. At the point in the history of God’s people, Hezekiah is on the throne in Jerusalem and Isaiah is simultaneously prophesying in Judah. The kings of Assyria are knocking on the front door, taunting those in power. This not only includes the king and his officials, but God himself, whom they mock and equate to the gods of other nations. Today, you’ll hear the account of Sennacherib’s royal spokesman who seeks to insult, discourage and dishearten the men of Judah before their impending military confrontation.:::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard Bible.facebook.com/commuterbibleinstagram.com/commuter_bibletwitter.com/CommuterPodpatreon.com/commuterbibleadmin@commuterbible.org