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20 Year Milestones
The beginning of twenty years seems so long. At the end of twenty years, the time passed seems so short. Such a milestone is twenty years of anything. For me it is twenty years of doing Aikido (a bit longer) and teaching Aikido. Twenty years (also a bit longer) employment at the Bureau of Reclamation. Twenty years since my father passed away. Twenty years (more like twenty three) a Buddhist in both the Rinzai Zen and Tibetan Dzogchen Vajrayana. All this arose when I realized I have been a direct student of Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche and Tibet Buddhism for twenty years. Twenty years... What a milestone!! Thanks for listening! I invite you to share this podcast, offer a comment or leave some feedback. Show Notes: Twenty years employed at the Bureau of Reclamation. Twenty years practicing and teaching Aikido. Twenty years since my father passed. Twenty years a Buddhist student of Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche Resources: Three Shapes Aikido - My Aikido Dojo. The Buddha Path - My Buddhist Dzogchen Lineage and teacher of the Tibetan Dzogchen Vajrayana. Reclamation - My place of employment. Contact. Follow. Share. instagram | facebook | twitter | pinterest How to review the podcast on iTunes If you enjoyed, benefited or were impacted by the podcast, it would be beyond cool if you’d take a minute and write a review on iTunes. To do that, click on the iTunes link or launch the iTunes podcast app on your computer or phone. Search for One Hand Speaks, select the album art for the show, select ratings and reviews and then write your review. Big thanks and appreciation. Please spread and share if you feel others will benefit and enjoy and leave a comment or offer feedback.