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200 Episodes!
This is a HUGE Milestone<br/><br/>Today I want to thank you ALL for listening and of course, thank my amazing podcast producer who brings my voice to life - LEAH! <br/><br/>Why did I start Marketing Espresso?<br/><br/>I saw a gap in the podcasting world for a business podcast focused on marketing which delivers simple, easy, quick marketing advice to business owners... (and corporates!)<br/><br/>With 15 years of executing, dreaming up, and implementing Marketing Strategies across all kinds of businesses I knew I needed to bring my experience to people on a broader platform, especially with the breadth and width of my experience in marketing... <br/><br/>So Marketing Espresso was born with the aim to help business owners, corporates, and whoever listens understand how the rubber hits the road and how we actually market.<br/><br/>My goals in making Marketing Espresso? So glad you asked:To make marketing feel accessible and practical for everyone and something people DO prioritise in their businessTo ask that question before you do activity "BUT WHY"To make people feel HAPPY and empowered when it comes to their marketingTo reduce the overhwlemTo break down the jargonTo stop the aimless box ticking!In three words? Educate, Inspire, and Help<br/><br/>Marketing Espresso is a place where you can come and feel like you're a part of the marketing chamber and that you're welcome regardless of whether you're a business owner, wanna-be business owner, C-suite, manager - whoever you are this is a place for you to learn, absorb and feel inspired. DOWNLOAD MY CONTENT PLANNER<br/><br/>Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/>If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.<br/><br/>How to work with me:<br/>1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation <br/>2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders<br/>3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation<br/>4. Get me on your podcast<br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative