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<br /> <br /> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/24scmosg Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com “Junior Certificate oversimplified, assessments too stressful”. “Teastas Sóisearach á róshimpliú, measúnuithe róstrusmhar”. Some principals and teachers are concerned that the Junior Certificate curriculum is being oversimplified, says a new report from researchers at the University of Limerick. Tá imní ar roinnt príomhoidí agus múinteoirí go bhfuil curaclam an Teastais Shóisearaigh á róshimpliú, a deirtear i dtuarascáil nua ó thaighdeoirí in Ollscoil Luimnigh. According to the research, it is believed that there is now a huge gap between the standard of education given to students in the Junior Certificate years and those of the Senior Certificate due to this oversimplification. De réir an taighde, creidtear go bhfuil bearna ollmhór anois idir an caighdeán oideachais a chuirtear ar dhaltaí i mblianta an Teastais Shóisearaigh agus lucht na hArdteistiméireacha mar gheall ar an róshimpliú seo. On the contrary, others believe that the “outdated layout” of the High Certificate is the cause of the evil and that amendments can be made accordingly. Os a choinne sin, creideann cuid eile gurb é “leagan amach seanchaite” na hArdteiste údar an oilc agus gur mithid leasuithe a dhéanamh dá réir. The students in Limerick are carrying out continuous longitudinal research in relation to this and other educational issues. Taighde leanúnach fadaimseartha atá ar bun ag na scoláirí i Luimneach maidir leis an gceist seo agus ceisteanna eile oideachais. The research also indicates that Class Based Assessments are causing more stress and anxiety for school students than they have ever had before. Tugtar le fios sa taighde chomh maith go bhfuil Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe ag cur níos mó struis agus imní ar dhaltaí scoile ná mar a bhí orthu riamh roimhe seo. It is said that a third of teachers believe that Class Based Assessment is not a true assessment of students’ work. Deirtear leis go gcreideann bordaithe ar an tríú cuid de mhúinteoirí nach measúnú fírinneach ar obair dhaltaí atá sa Mheasúnú Rangbhunaithe. In that regard, it seems that some students are turning their backs on games and other entertainment events at school because they feel that they need to study more before the Class Based Assessment. Ina cheann sin, is cosúil go bhfuil roinnnt daltaí ag tabhairt a gcúl le cluichí agus imeachtaí eile siamsa ar scoil mar go n-airíonn siad go gcaithfidh siad tuilleadh staidéir a dhéanamh roimh an an Measúnú Rangbhunaithe. Another thing, it is said that teachers are also more stressed because of the Class Based Assessments. Rud eile de, deirtear go bhfuil níos mó struis ar mhúinteoirí freisin de bharr na Measúnuithe Rangbhunaithe. The research was commissioned by the National Curriculum and Assessment Council but a bone of contention has emerged since its inception. Is í an Chomhairle Náisiúnta Curaclaim agus Measúnachta a choimisiúnaigh an taighde ach tá cnámh spairne tagtha chun solais ó tionscnaíodh é.

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