#3 شوق العثمان: الاصرار على الحياة

0 Views· 08/10/23
Ment Ebrouhek
Ment Ebrouhek
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‎تنويه: الحلقة مؤثرة عاطفيا وتشمل الحديث عن العديد من الصراعات والمصاعب النفسيه. الرجاء الحرص والتأكد من اذا كان عندك القابليه العاطفيه والنفسية قبل الاستماع للحلقة.Warning: this is an emotional conversation with mentions of multiple psychological hardships & struggles, please check in with yourself and make sure you have the emotional capacity before listening.ما اقدر اعبر لكم شكثر تعنيلي هالحلقة، و شكثر أثرت فيني شوق وشكثر اب حبابتها ومصداقيتها خلت الحلقة تكون كل شي تمنيته من ول"منت بروحك".شوق علمتني ان على الرغم من الألم اللي كان واللي يظل..في امل.
في امل مو بس للاستمرار بل للاستمرار ولتحقيق الاحلام والمستحيل بعد.‎‏So much time & effort was spent on this episode because of how much it means to me and how it made me feel. I don’t know if it will make you feel what I felt but I hope you at least get to feel a glimpse of it.For me personally Shoug gave me hope. Hope that despite all the pain we might have been through, and for the pain that remains, there is not only hope to continue and be able to do this strange thing called life, but also hope to make dreams come true too and that without a doubt is one of the most profound things anyone can offer another human being.‎‏Shoug’s courage and ability to be vulnerable made this episode everything it was. We had never met before & knowing I am still very new to all of this she was still willing to make time out of her very busy schedule and talk about deep, hard and sometimes quite painful things because as the name of the podcast entails; she wanted to make people feel less alone. I cannot put into words how thankful & grateful I am for this episode, it is exactly what this podcast is all about and Shoug made the dream come into full circle.

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