30: deepening connection with yourself + others
FIVE WAYS TO CULTIVATE DEEPER CONNECTIONS Self-awareness is key – you must know who you are, what you stand for and what’s important to you to be able to navigate this world in a more authentic way which in turn opens the door for more genuine conversations. Increasing your emotional IQ – exploring your own capacity to feel, allows you to deepen your ability to empathize with others and hold space for them in every way. Plus being able to read a room with ease does wonders when you’re first getting to know someone. Active listening skills are a catalyst to ensure someone feels heard and seen by you. Validating someone, asking open ended questions and approaching the conversation from a non-judgmental point of view allows for both parties to feel heard and understood. Celebrate your loved one’s successes and be their cheerleader! We all need love and support as we navigate life. When you have people in your corner during the moments of struggle and weakness can galvanize a relationship and strengthen any type of relationsip. Speak with integrity. We all know the friend who talks shit behind everyone’s back or gossips when others aren’t around and it never feels good to be on the other end of that. If you care about someone speak about them with respect and kindness. I am not the guru of friendships and have made plenty of mistakes and through those mistakes has created this episode to share what I’ve learned along the way. I would love to hear about your friendships and what solidified those people within your life. Reach out on my website, www.coachingwithferrah or connect with me directly on Instagram @ferrahchino.