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40 - Increased Interest in LMP2?
European LMP2 Pro-Am teams are flocking to IMSA in 2023 as d some announce their driver lineups. Ollie Jarvis has announced that he won’t return to the defending champions Meyer Shank Racing, find out about the full season driver that they secured to race along Tom Blomqvist!<br/><br/>SHOW NOTES:<br/>Algarve Pro Full Season Entry? - https://www.dailysportscar.com..../2022/11/01/algarve- Bennet and Colin Braun’s Unwritten Agreement - https://sportscar365.com/imsa/iwsc/bennett-core-wound-down-after-brauns-magic-opportunity/<br/><br/>Follow the show on Twitter at @offintheesses<br/><br/>Follow the show on Youtube at Off in the EssesSupport the showSupport the show
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