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41. E41 with Julie Reconnect Ink - Trusting our journey of wonder to balance our lives
In this episode, we are sharing the space with our guest Julie, Reconnect Ink.An opportunity to trust our journey of wonder to balance our lives.<br/>We explore her story starting from her connection to art since she was little. <br/>Navigating her passion for creativity while investigating different mediums with her own unique style.<br/>Discovering the tattoo art in her journey supported by connection with friends and motivation to evolve.<br/>She continues by sharing the importance of balancing ourselves by continuing observing and reconnecting with nature for appreciation of the present moment. <br/><br/>To discover more about Julie, visit Facebook https://www.facebook.com/julie.reconnectink/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/reconnect.ink/ <br/><br/>Buon ascolto. <br/>EnjoySupport the show