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45. Sexologial Bodywork + Somatic Sex Education (with Alyssa Morin)
Somatic Sex Educator and Certified Sexological Bodyworker Alyssa Morin joins us on this episode to explore cutting edge frameworks for improving intimacy and connection. Alyssa outlines practices to facilitate healing and get into deeper contact with what feels good. Plus, we look at how this branch of “parts work” can positively impact other areas of life outside the bedroom.Alyssa guides individuals, couples, and groups on how they can better navigate intimacy with themselves and the people around them. So much of her work centers on helping folks break out of the unconscious narratives or expectations they have about pleasure, sex, intimacy, and connection. Many of those scripts result in nervous system dysregulation, and in our conversation, We explore opportunities that arise when we or our partners can identify your fight, flight, freeze or appease response in an intimate situation. We also unpack the ‘willing to’ versus ‘wanting to’ conversation, particularly in situations where personal boundaries and a partner’s desires are out of alignment. Alyssa highlights her trauma-informed approach to sexological bodywork and what to expect when working with her one-on-one. Stay tuned for Episode 46 where we’re going to recap our session with Alyssa! Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform. Topics Covered:The nuances between sexological bodywork and somatic sex educationAdvice for anyone who feels like their sexuality and intimacy are falling flat, but don’t know how to address it with their partner Examples of ‘freeze’ and ‘appease’ intimacy responses Practices you can do with your partner (or solo) to discover greater connection and intimacy Learning to move through moments of resistance or intimidation with a sense of curiosity How sexological bodywork and somatic sex education can support people who’ve experienced sexual or intimacy trauma<br/>Resources Mentioned: The Art Of We Weekly NewsletterAlyssa's 10-Week Course For Couples The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB)Betty Martin - The Wheel of Consent <br/>Connect with Alyssa:Alyssa's Website Alyssa's Instagram <br/>Get in Touch: The Art Of We WebsiteThe Art of We Instagram Integrative Psychiatry Institute: Integrative