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5.19 Time Bomb
Bad news, Scoobies: Khaki Connor is NOT in this episode of Angel. Instead, we're left with a few beta males and a ticking time bomb (hey, that's the title!). But don't worry: We still find a way to talk about our favorite boy. So join your hosts LaToya Ferguson and Morgan Lutich (AKA Captain Forehead and AK William Bloody, AKA the Gunn Squad, and so much more) this week as they discuss the Angel Season 5 episode "Time Bomb," ANOTHER non-Groundhog Day Whedonverse time loop episode.LOCATE YOUR HOSTS ON THE INTERNETLaToya Ferguson: @lafergs Read An Encyclopedia of Women’s WrestlingMorgan Lutich: @lorganmutichListen to LaToya, Morgan, and their pal Jill discuss The Vampire Diaries on The AMPire Diaries podcast!<br /><br />ANGEL ON TOP<br />Angel On Top: @angelontopcast on twitter and instagram<br /><br />Support Angel On Top on Patreon: angelontop.com<br />Learn more about us and our team at bufferingthevampireslayer.com<br /><br />Theme Song + Jingles: Jenny Owen Youngs<br /><br />+++Producers: LaToya Ferguson, Morgan Lutich, and Kristin Russo<br />Editor: Kristin Russo<br />Logo: Kristine Thune