5M's: The Mindset of Subscription Web Design
In this episode, I'm launching a new series focused on "The Five M's" for success in subscription web design: Mindset, Model, Money, Marketing, and Method. Today, we're diving into Mindset.Understanding why we use the subscription model is crucial. I believe that the 'why' always shapes our actions - a concept I learned from entrepreneur Myron Golden. In our case, the 'why' is the steady cash flow that subscription web design brings.
We must approach client relationships with an Assumption of Continuity, intending to work together long-term. Moreover, it's important to think in terms of Lifetime Value, where we measure a client's worth over time rather than a single project's worth. This gives us a better idea of how much we can invest in acquiring new clients.Remember, it's all about the mindset. Get that right, and the rest will follow.