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67) Tips For Spotting Greenwashing | with Milos Vranes of Green Eco Dream (Bonus)
The more the sustainability market grows, the more we see greenwashing.Greenwashing is basically, when a company puts forth a false or exaggerated impression or completely misleading impression about how their products or their practices are environmentally friendly.We know fast fashion brands are notorious for greenwashing. But today's episode with Milos Vranes of Green Eco Dream is a broader take on greenwashing that applies to more beyond fashion.Hit play to hear Milos and my takes on how to spot and avoid greenwashing. FULL SHOW NOTES & TRANSCRIPT:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/tips-to-spot-greenwashing/ CONNECT WITH GREEN ECO DREAM:Green Eco Dream's websiteGreen Eco Dream's Laundry Collection EPISODES MENTIONED:EP57: How to Launch A Slow Fashion Brands with Selina HoEP64: Journalists' Role In Shifting the Sustainable Fashion Conversation with Jasmin Malik Chua CONNECT WITH ELIZABETH & CONSCIOUS STYLE:WebsiteInstagramPinterest SUBSCRIBE TO THE CONSCIOUS EDIThttps://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/edit