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68) Can Fast Fashion Brands Ever Be Sustainable?
Can fast fashion brands ever be sustainable? If someone is going to buy from fast fashion, is it better to shop from these conscious or eco-capsule collections? And what is the deal with fast fashion's sustainability ambassadors? Should minor improvements from Big Fashion brands still be celebrated since these brands have such a large impact, footprint, and huge buying power?And when we're trying to make better choices, how can we tell if a fashion brand is greenwashing?Hit play to hear Stella and Elizabeth's perspectives on fast fashion's sustainability efforts. *****ARTICLE VERSION:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/can-fast-fashion-be-sustainable/ RESOURCES MENTIONED:What Is Ethical Fashion?What is Sustainable Fashion?What is Slow Fashion?"Who Gets To Be A Fashion Activist?" on FashionistaHow To Spot GreenwashingSustainable Fashion Legislation article CONNECT WITH CONSCIOUS STYLE:Website: consciouslifeandstyle.comInstagram: @consciousstylePinterest: @consciouslifeandstyle SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/edit