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69) What's The Deal With Fast Fashion Resale Programs?
In this Conscious Question episode, Stella and I dive into if fast fashion resale programs are really circular or just greenwashing (and why we think so), how can we tell if a fashion brand's resale program is a genuinely sustainable effort, and what some red flags are to look out for. Hit play to dive in! ***ARTICLE VERSION:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/fast-fashion-resale/ TRANSCRIPT:https://conscious-style-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/69-fast-fashion-resale-programs-greenwashing-or-progress ***RESOURCES MENTIONED:Extended Producer Responsibility articleAtacama Desert Waste Crisis podcast episodeEmily Stochl, host of Pre-Loved PodcastRetailers Are Cancelling Orders Again on Vogue Business18 Online Secondhand Marketplaces To Buy & Sell Used Clothes CONNECT WITH CONSCIOUS STYLE:Website: consciouslifeandstyle.comInstagram: @consciousstylePinterest: @consciouslifeandstyle SUBSCRIBE TO THE CONSCIOUS EDIT:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/edit