7 Churches of Revelation: Laodicea - The Lukewarm Church

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What if material prosperity does not always lead to spiritual prosperity?  What if material affluence can result in spiritual indifference?  I’d like you to keep those questions in mind as we look at Jesus’ message to the Church in Laodicea. <br/><br/>He begins with this graphic condemnation: I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (Rev. 3:15-16)<br/><br/>This word picture didn’t come out of nowhere. See, Laodicea lay just 10 miles from Colossea, a city known for its crystal-clear, ice-cold water straight from the mountains. Just 5 miles in the other direction was Heiraoplis, known for its hot springs. <br/><br/>Laodicea, however, didn’t have a natural water source. Their water was piped in from their neighbors. But by the time that water traveled that distance, the water was no longer cold nor hot. It was a disgusting lukewarm. <br/><br/>This is what Jesus is saying here. “You have become this tepid, lukewarm church that, quite frankly (Are you ready for this?) makes me sick.”<br/><br/>What’s striking is that these folks have everything going for them. The believers here were prospering financially. They do not seem to be facing any major persecution. No heresy appears to be threatening the church. Rather, the fact that they have it so good seems to have led to complacency, self-sufficiency, and ingratitude.  <br/><br/>It’s noteworthy that of all seven churches, Laodicea is the only church that does not get ANY affirmation…none. Their material affluence led to spiritual indifference. Their prosperity led to self-sufficiency. <br/><br/>Pride…arrogance…self-sufficiency…ingratitude.  These are the seeds of spiritual lukewarmness.<br/><br/>So, what counsel does Jesus give to this church?  He says, “Come to me for true wealth because you’re poorer than you think. Come to me for white clothes to cover your nakedness because you’re more exposed than you realize. Let Me touch you so you can see things as they really are. <br/><br/>Friends, Jesus speaks hard words to these disciples not because He doesn’t love them…but because He does love them.  And He loves you and me.  Notwithstanding our self-sufficiency and complacency and ingratitude…notwithstanding our lukewarmness…He loves us.<br/><br/>Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church is standing at the door of your heart, knocking.  He’s not forcing His way in.  But neither is He disgustedly walking away.  He is patiently and lovingly knocking.  <br/><br/>He’s been trying to get your attention in so many ways. He so longs to see the relationship between you and Him as it is supposed to be.  He’s not pleased with half-hearted, lukewarm discipleship.  <br/><br/>How long are you going to leave Him standing there?  When are you going to open the door?  Text: Revelation 3:14-22 Originally recorded on June 9, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN.  We are grateful to Ada Bible Church and Pastor Jeff Manion for generously sharing their teaching resources for this series.<br/>

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