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97) Fashion's Overlooked Sustainability Policy Opportunities with Kenya Wiley
Policy is an important lever in creating a better, more sustainable, and equitable fashion system. But if we only focus on policy that explicitly talks about the fashion industry and sustainability, we may be missing some opportunities. In today's episode, I'm chatting with fashion policy expert Kenya Wiley.Kenya is sharing behind the scenes on the processes behind legislation and regulation — and even explaining the difference between the two terms — and some of the current policies in the works that could involve fashion that the fashion industry isn't talking about. These could be potential needle movers to cleaning up fashion, but aren't being taken advantage of right now.Kenya is also discussing the much-anticipated Green Guides from the Federal Trade Commission to help reduce greenwashing, what recent US Supreme Court decisions mean for the fashion industry, a funding opportunity for sustainability-minded fashion organizations, and more.Find the transcript here.***PRESENTED BY…Osei-DuroOsei-Duro is a slow, artisan-made sustainable fashion brand based in Ghana using handmade textile techniques to create contemporary garments that are true works of art.Their colorful, bold-printed clothing is hand-dyed and sewn in Ghana by small-scale artisans and manufactured to support the local apparel industry. And they have extended sizes, with many styles going up to 4X.Osei-Duro's clothing is made with care — and the people behind these garments treat each other with the same care and respect. The small business pays full-time wages for a 4-day work week and offers numerous benefits including full health insurance and maternity coverage.Get 20% off site wide by using the code CONSCIOUSSTYLE20. ***SHOW NOTES:https://www.consciouslifeandstyle.com/kenya-wiley MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:Online Community: Conscious Fashion Collective MembershipNewsletter: Fashion Law and Social Justice NewsletterOnline course: Fashion Policy and Justice (Note: listeners can take 50% off with code JUSTICE50; contact Kenya directly for the 80% off student discount)Podcast Episode: EP79: Sustainable Fashion Policy and Collective Action with Elizabeth ClineInformation Resource: 2023 Farm BillInformation Resource: SEC Climate Disclosures RuleInformation Resource: The Recycling & Compostability Accountability Act ***CONNECT WITH KENYA WILEY:🌐 Website: https://kenyawiley.com/📸 Instagram: @kenyanwiley💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenya-wiley-558601b6/📱 Twitter (X): @KenyaNWiley ***CONNECT WITH CONSCIOUS STYLE:📧Newslet