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98) Should Resale Sites Ban Fast Fashion?
Is it green... or just greenwashing?This week, we’re sharing a recap of a few Green or Greenwashing topics we covered this season! Green or Greenwashing is a segment on the podcast where we evaluate if a certain sustainability measure is more green or whether it veers into more of the greenwashing territory. These Green or Greenwashing segments were previously published at the end of some prior episodes.The first segment we are resharing is whether third-party resale sites should ban fast fashion after a decision from Vestiaire Collective to do so. Then we will move into a recording where we discuss whether we really need "climate adaptive clothing". Finally, we evaluate if recycled polyester is truly circular. GET THE TRANSCRIPT<br /> ***<br />MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:Article: Vestiaire Has Banned Fast FashionArticle: Vestiaire Collective’s ‘Fight Against Fast Fashion’ stepsArticle: What Is Extended Producer Responsibility in Textiles — and What’s Missing From Current Policies?Article: Clothes for the “apocalypse”: How to design for a climate crisisResource: Market Analysis and Insights: Global Recycled Polyester Fiber MarketWebsite: Textile Exchange's 2025 Recycled Polyester ChallengeResource: Made-By Environmental Benchmark for FibresArticle: The destructive, symbiotic relationship between the beverage and fashion industriesArticle: Are clothes made from recycled materials really more sustainable?Report: “It’s As If They’re Poisoning Us”: The Health Impacts of Plastic Recycling in TurkeyResearch Paper: An underestimated threat: Land-based pollution with micro-plastics***CONNECT WITH CONSCIOUS STYLE:📧Newsletter: https://www.consciouslifeandst....yle.com/edit🌐Website consciouslifeandstyle.com📸 Instagram: @consciousstyle📹 YouTube: @consciouslifeandstyle📌 Pinterest: @consciouslifeandstyle