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A career in YouTube is better than one in TV | Robbie Knox
Robbie Knox is a UK based YouTuber and co-host of the Happy Hour podcast alongside fellow YouTubers, Jaackmaate and Stevie White. <br/><br/>With a background in TV production for shows such as Soccer AM, Robbie Knox started his YouTube channel in 2018, initially sharing stories from his television career. 5 years later, he boasts 120k subscribers on the platform, and has welcomed creator guests to his channel including Bambino Becky, Jaackmaate, and Alfie Indra. <br/><br/>In this episode of Creator: Behind the Influencer by Digital Voices, Robbie Knox speaks on the realities of being a YouTuber in your forties, the ethics of sharing his children online, the what it’s really like to go on tour with a group of YouTubers!<br/><br/>Subscribe to Robbie Knox: @RobbieKnox <br/>Follow on TikTok: @megarobbieknox<br/>Follow on Instagram: @megarobbie