A Coherent Way to Understand Reality - Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
There are no limits to the potentialities of consciousness. If you know where you are on an accurate map of reality, that will become clear. You will also learn that the world is made of language and is produced by pulsations of mental energy. This is information everyone needs to know—in order to cope with the rapidly unfolding events in this mind-driven matrix. This teaching is taken from our most recent retreat, Passing Through the Gate - https://bit.ly/3qbVcxP Learn More About Shunyamurti: https://shunyamurti.org/ This is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section. Sign up for your free 10-day trial: https://bit.ly/3oqFcCe If you enjoyed this video please click the like button and subscribe to our channel for more spiritual wisdom from Shunyamurti. ✨ The Fundamentals of Meditation - A Free 7-Part Mini-Course In the Art of Meditation<br /> Taught by Shunyamurti https://bit.ly/3FeqNE1 Shunyamurti will gently guide you in this concise 7-session course in the fundamentals of meditation. Whether you are an experienced meditator or just beginning your practice, these practical tips will help you attain and sustain the stillness that opens the portal beyond the ego to the inconceivable reality of Pure Spirit. ⚡ Enroll Today! https://bit.ly/3FeqNE1 You can also find us on the following channels:<br /> Sat Yoga on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OgN9UMYLfvik/<br /> Sat Yoga on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vlslsd-prepare-your-divine-weapons-for-the-final-battle-shunyamurti-teaching.html<br /> Sat Yoga on Dollar Vigilante TV: https://dollarvigilante.tv/c/s....at.yoga.ashram/video SAT YOGA MEMBERS SECTION - Free 10-Day Trial:<br /> To become a member and gain access to a vast archive of Shunyamurti's teachings, writings, and guided meditations. Learn more and sign up for your free 10-day trial: https://satyoga.org/becoming-a-member/ We are doing our best to produce as much content as possible, to create more livestream satsangs, Q&A's and guided meditations. Your support is paramount to sustaining the mission of the Sat Yoga Ashram to disseminate as much heart-opening and mind-expanding content from Shunyamurti as possible. If you have benefitted from these teachings, please consider making a love offering, so we can continue to provide access to this timeless wisdom. MAKE A DONATION:<br /> https://www.satyoga.org/donate<br /> We appreciate your support - please donate! FOLLOW US ONLINE<br /> Website: https://www.satyoga.org/<br /> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/satyogainstitute<br /> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satyogaashram<br /> Twitter: h