A Conundrum

0 Views· 08/07/23
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The conundrum is to know how to deal with your leaders when you disagree with them.  How do you submit to them in matters that you see differently?Here is the struggle:  on the one hand Paul does not dispute that he is a Jew, that he understands the Law, he circumcised Timothy whose mother was a Jew, thus making him a Jew.  He does make vows and keeps them as well as shaving his head.  He understands the need for Nazarite vow of cleanliness, especially when he has touched a dead corpse.  He also sees the law from the eyes of one who is free from the law and who understands the law being written on hearts of those who believe.  He does see the need for purity, holiness, as well as mercy and grace.  Especially when they seemingly are conflicting with one another.But here he chooses the way of love in dealing with real people!  Not just theoretical theology to be disputed, but relationships that are messy be abuse of the differences of both experience and understanding of the scriptures.  He he chooses to serve and love – theological debates can happen at another time when it is appropriate.He doesn’t raise the matter of money in this situation, but submits to his leaders of the church. They see his funds helping his cause with the Jewish believers, even if they do not come to his rescue.Conclusion?  How will you react to those who disappoint you and who see things differently to the way you see them?  Will you respond in love?

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