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A Day in Halesi, Nepal
This past late March and early April I returned to Nepal for my third Buddhist Pilgrimage. This year my main intention was to visit the small town of Halesi and the famous and sacred Maratika Cave. This is a very special place for Tibetan Buddhists. The journey there from Kathmandu is a minimum of three days by car both ways. But it is said to spend at least two days there which makes it a four day trip. The drive is brutal. However, a pilgrimage should not be easy. Thanks for listening! I invite you to share this podcast, offer a comment or leave some feedback. Show Notes: The brutal (yet beautiful) drive from Kathmandu to Halesi, Nepal. Visiting Maratika Cave. My home stay was a special blessing. Everything was better than expected. I want to return. Resources: Kung Fu Ice Cream Moment – A bit of info about the famous "Monkey Temple" in Kathmandu, Nepal. Contact. Follow. Share. instagram | facebook | twitter | pinterest How to review the podcast on iTunes If you enjoyed, benefited or were impacted by the podcast, it would be beyond cool if you’d take a minute and write a review on iTunes. To do that, click on the iTunes link or launch the iTunes podcast app on your computer or phone. Search for One Hand Speaks, select the album art for the show, select ratings and reviews and then write your review. Big thanks and appreciation. Please spread and share if you feel others will benefit and enjoy and leave a comment or offer feedback. Play your hand!