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A (Joanna) Frank Discussion About The World Of Publishing
Last week we talked to Louise Voss, who spoke to us about her first agent, Joanna Frank. So, this week we talk to Joanna Frank, who speaks to us about Louise Voss. She also chats about her journey through the publishing industry, taking in pretty much every stop along the way. PLUS get some top tips for pitching and querying, as Joanna kindly shares with us her “dos” and “don’ts” when approaching an agent. We also take a look at another work in progress too, this time from listener S.G.Sangster. (@ScarlettGraceHS) In yet another amazing instalment of… THE FAILING WRITERS PODCAAAAAAAAST!!!
Check out Joanna’s literary services at https://joannafrank.co/
And here's just a couple of the brilliant authors she's worked with... (sorry we couldn't mention them all!) Check 'em out!