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Actor/Stuntman/Paranormal Researcher Rick McCallum Live!
On this episode of Talking With The Source Actor stuntman Rick McCallum of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters Joins us Live! You may know Rick from his roles in J Edgar, Hatchet, Naked Gun 331/3 the final assault and more!!Visit Talking With The Source on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook Now!YouTube:https://youtube.com/channel/UC....KmCf9h7Tad1tCf-JYZoS Sponsored by:The Paranormal United Network-Paralanks Plus on Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/PUNMediaPlus/Para post-Network Central on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/parap....ostnetwork/Website:P app is available for Android and IOS Now!10-day Global Ghost Hunt 2023 Event! Register below!Global Ghost Hunt-Global Ghost Hunt – Do you dare to join?