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AI in Web3 Gaming With Noel Serrato From Meta Birds Inc

0 Views· 07/02/23
The Web3 Gamer
The Web3 Gamer
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In this Episode I talk with noel Serrato from Meta Birds Inc. A web3 based gaming where mario kart meets flappy bird.Noel and I discussed a lot of interesting topics and AI, Web3 gaming, and the cross sector into traditional gaming.Some of the links to the topics we discussed are shown below.AI LLM in Skyrim: GPT4: Fridman & Eliezer Yudkowsky: Dangers of AI and the End of Human Civilization: AI Game Demo: Generative Agents Experiment: you have any questions, what to share some pointers, or are interested in being on the podcast please reach out to us at:
ai, game, experience, working, gbt, people, intelligence, players, web, launch, gaming, play, created, powered, bot, npcs, gpt, respond, conversational, conversation
Speaker 2, Matthew, Noel 
Matthew Simone
Hello friends and fellow gamers. Today's guest is Noel Serato.Noel is a software developer with State Farm, he has been helping out a lot andhas a lot of his focus in AI. Noel is also the founder of meta birds, a webthree bass game on the Etherion platform, that is, Mario Kart meets FlappyBird. I have worked for Noel for about the last nine months, learned a lot, gotto do a lot of cool things been in a lot of experiences, a lot of partnershipscollapse, it's been a lot of fun. So I thought it'd be a great guest to have onthe podcast. Because from our conversations over the last few months, we've hada lot of interesting talks around AI. Noel knows a lot about AI. He works a lotwith AI at State Farm. And so I wanted to have this conversation with him, becauseI thought he had a lot of really interesting ideas and could hopefully help outa lot of up and coming designers, developers, web three game creators to figureout the path for their game going forward. I also want to note, you may hear meask questions to Noel that seem really silly. You're like, Oh, you're askingabout computers in the game. You're asking questions about the game you've beenworking on for nine months? Do you really know anything about it? I just wantto make it known that these questions are asked for the audience. You know,these are things I know. But you don't know about it if you've never heard ofthe game. So there's a certain way, I'll ask questions on this podcast that mayseem like I have no idea what I'm talking about. And when I don't, I will befully honest about that. But really, it's just a way for me to get theinformation out for people who have never heard of the topic, or maybe theproject and don't have any inkling of an idea about it. And this way you canlay things out from beginning to end. So I hope that clarifies things a bit. SoI hope you find this conversation as valuable. And as interesting as I did. Myname is Matthew and this is the web three gamer.MS
Matthew Simone
Tired of keeping up appearances with the friends tired of havingto talk to people go to meetings, go to work, just live your life. Well, withthe new AI me. We can help develop yourself into an AI computer. Nobody willeven know you're not there. It'll do your job for you.

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