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AIMEE EVAN, Ph.D, Educational Researcher/Author (7-19-23)
AIMEE EVAN, Ph.D, a Senior Research Associate and School Improvement Specialist at West-ed, will join us to discuss the world of education, as well as her new book, "Student Centered School Improvement". FROM HER BIO at WestEd.org "Aimee Evan is committed to equity in education for all students. As a Senior Research Associate and School Improvement Specialist at WestEd, Evan works at the intersection of research, evaluation, and technical assistance. Evan designs and leads evaluations, program reviews, and successful technical assistance projects with schools, districts, authorizers, and states to expand their capacity to use data and research to improve outcomes. She developed a series of technical assistance solutions for teachers and leaders, including an onsite learning lab for effective data use, with training and coaching, for teachers and administrators. Evan has co-authored the adaptation of the federally funded Center on School Turnaround’s Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement to the charter sector and, through the National Charter School Resource Center, leads a portfolio of research to identify early indicators of charter school distress. Recently, Evan led a case study on the impact of best practices leading to school improvement efforts in charter schools, creating a video and toolkit for practitioners to learn about the practices found to be effective in improving school and student outcomes. Partnering with state leaders in the Mid-Atlantic region, Evan guided teams in articulating vision and goals for college and career readiness and determine related milestones and progress indicators. Evan received her Ph.D. in K–12 administration, master’s in Teaching, and bachelor’s in political science. She started her career in education as a middle school special education teacher." www.wested.org