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Allen C. Paul~How to Make a Living After Becoming a Full-time Musician
Allen’s BioAllen C. Paul is a musician, bandleader and composer who has performed with artists such as Chester Gregory, Mike Phillips and Chantae Cann, and has served as the musical director at Metro Life Church in Miami FL since 2009. He has been married to his wife Lia for over 25 years and has 3 children, and continues to perform and compose as an accomplished musician in South Florida. Stay Connected:Allen C. PaulAllen’s Resource: Make a Living As A CreativePersonal Website | https://allencpaul.comBusiness Website | https://godandgigs.com Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/godandgigs/Rachel ScottWebsite| https://rachelgscott.com/Website| http://the5leaps.com/Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/iamr....achelgscott/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamrachelgscottSponsored Resources Mentioned:5 Week Leap Mentoring: Sign Up HereRGS Group: Learn More HereThe 5 Leaps Quick Guide: Grab it Here