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Amber Joy Daniel
During this episode, you will learn about:[00:30] Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest [01:53] Dr. Amber’s background and her focus on destiny and a leap of faith.[04:41] How Dr. Amber went from a high position to choose what matters most [06:06] Dr. Amber's experience at the top of her career and why she decided it wasn’t for her[09:03] Dr. Amber's career transition and how she prepared and planned for it [13:13] Called to family: Dr. Amber explains why family is a legitimate call [17:23] Overcoming financial loss and how to make a leap to your destiny [19:47] Taking a leap of faith to get to your field of favor and harvest your destiny like Ruth [23:01] Dr. Amber's journalism career peak and outgrowing the season [26:01] Dr. Amber’s book, Destiny Survivors, re-telling the story of Ruth [31:05] Advice from Dr. Amber on how to transition from corporate to your calling [35:15] Dr. Amber's next leaps and what she has coming up [36:31] How to reach out and connect with Dr. Amber or get your free gift[37:34] Ending the show and call to action<br /> Notable QuotesAlways leverage the strategies that can help you leap toward your destiny, which is what you know you’re created for to become a destiny survivor.Your calling will always look different from somebody else’s calling.If you are called to family, lean on that and focus on it, it’s the building block of society.Your call is much bigger than you think.Taking a leap of faith comes with a reward; God will take you to your field of favor, just like Ruth.You have been great in that season, but you’ve outgrown it because God is inviting you to the next leadership role.Leaps require faith, and if you believe in God, He is saying yes and knows how to get the resources to you.Ruth is every woman's story; it’s a girl's story, the younger woman's story, and the older woman's story.You disqualify yourself; no one disqualifies you.There are baby steps that you can begin to take to get more of your calling instead of a hard right. Resources MentionedDr. Amber's book: Destiny Survivors: https://www.amazon.com/Destiny....-Survivor-Amber-Joy- your free gift: https://www.destinydiagnostic.com/ Connect With us:Dr. Amber Joy DanielWebsite | https://www.destinystrategists.com/Facebook| https://www.facebook.com/publi....c/Amber-JoyInstagram https://www.instagram.com/amber_joy08/?hl=en Rachel ScottWebsite| https://rachelgscott.com/Website| http://the5leaps.com/Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/iamr....achelgscott/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iamrachelgscott