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America's Moving Toward Communism
The Constitution Commandos [00:00] The Pledge of Allegiance[00:15] Sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications about new episodes I publish, exclusive content, and you will receive your own copy of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States. US Congress Approximately 93 members are members of the communist partyThis is an act of treason<br/>Dumbing Down the NationLess education - More indoctrinationDad quit teaching - restrained from education<br/>Election Fraud in 2019Early hours of Nov 5th, 2019, the election results dramatically changedDictators rule by executive order - Joe Biden - Mountain Democrat<br/>Trump for President2020 election fraudTrump's numbers increase with every indictmentDOJ/FBI weaponisation against political opponentFavoritism shown to the Bidens<br/>Every Vote DOES CountIs Joe Biden Really Joe Biden?Joe Biden gives two speeches in two different states simultaneouslySenator Biden and VP Biden don't look anything like Resident Biden<br/>O'Biden's Cabinet ImpeachableBiden's cabinet is Obamas cabinetMerritt Garland hindered and haulted investigations Whistleblowers targeted by the DOJIRS whistelblowers testified that Garland deferred investigationsGarland lied to Congress regarding investigations into the Biden family<br/>COVID-19 Scambemic Government Induced FearMask mandates - (COVID contracted from wearing the mask)Social DistancingVaccine mandates - (Vaccines don't fit the criteria of vaccines)Homeless devoid of COVID<br/>
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