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Andrew Sheaff (University of Virginia): Constraint Based Learning in Swimming
Today's coaching discussion is with Andrew Sheaff, most recently affiliated with the University of Virginia's swim and dive programs. <br/><br/>Over the course of his time at UVA, the program has risen to prominence, securing their first NCAA championship win for the women in the 2020-2021 season and following up with another two in succession. <br/><br/>Andrew hosts a blog for coaches entiled Coaching Flow and his first book on a constraint based approach to swim coaching is available for pre-order starting June 13th. <br/><br/>In this episode, Andrew and Kevin discuss what constraints are, how they can affect the learning process, and ways you as a coach can use (or already may be using!) them to better coach your athletes. <br/><br/>Chasing Flow: https://www.coachandrewsheaff.com/<br/>Pre-Order Book: https://www.routledge.com/A-Constraints-Led-Approach-to-Swim-Coaching/Sheaff/p/book/9780367724788<br/>Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MasteringFlow/about