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Angelo Urrutia of 4S Designs Returns!
This week, my guest is Angelo Urrutia – founder and creative director of 4S Designs.He’s been on the pod before, right as he was about to debut his brand...in March 2020. Not sure if you remember that time but things got a bit nuts – and so did Angelo. I said this on the Patreon episode last week. I believe he’s the best designer out there right now running the best brand in the world. Everything about 4S is rewarding. The garments are absurdly over-engineered, there are convictions to what he makes. If you don’t want to dig deeper, you can still find it, buy it, and enjoy it for what it is. It’s beautiful.Angelo and I discuss working through the pandemic, what he learned at Engineered Garments, how he has been handling all the attention, finding himself through his brand, and what’s next for 4S Designs. **Sponsored by Standard & Strange – Get the facts on loopwheel 👕 hereandSponsored by Topper Jewelers – The place to buy your next watch