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Asking For A Friend: How Do I Travel The World On My Own?
Taking on the world by yourself can seem overwhelming, but if Eat, Pray, Love taught us anything it’s that solo travel can lead to some of our most liberating, life-changing experiences. This week we’re diving into one of our most frequently asked questions for our in-house globe trotter, Gill: How do I travel alone? Travelling solo might feel entirely out of your comfort zone, but the benefits of taking time to explore a new place (and yourself) on your own terms can be a serious game-changer for your mental well-being, confidence, and fulfillment. So buckle up, because we’re taking you on a journey through the good, bad, and best parts of flying solo!Join us as we chat about:Gill’s epic trips and why she decided to travel on her ownHow travelling solo can be healing during hard timesThe importance of setting an intention for your tripHow to keep the vacation sparks alive when you’re back homeHow to decide where you should go, and whenWays to combat loneliness when you’re on your ownTips for putting yourself out there and meeting new peoplePlanning your trips with “possibilities” vs. a strict itineraryKey safety tips you need to know while travelling soloGill’s brutal experience getting mugged in Lisbon3 key tips for anyone who’s thinking about travelling aloneWe hope this episode inspires you to take the leap and book your next solo trip! You won’t regret it.If you have any burning questions for us and you want to get us in the hotseat, DM or email us your Qs at contact@teachmehowtoadult.ca.For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:@teachmehowtoadultpodcast @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow us on TikTok: @teachmehowtoadult